SANBORN – Emergency drills have been conducted this week in each of the school buildings of the Niagara Wheatfield School District.
Interim School Superintendent James Knowles told the School Board on Wednesday that each of the buildings ran through their emergency procedures in the wake of the shooting tragedy in Newtown, Conn. Although such drills are regularly held throughout the year, he said district officials agreed to take the preventive measure following the event last week. He reported that the drills at all the schools were reviewed by members of the State Police, and board President Steve Sabo commended the staff for its handling of the reaction here in the aftermath of the tragedy. He told parents school shootings are “thankfully rare” and they should be assured that “your children are safe” at school.
Interim School Superintendent James Knowles told the School Board on Wednesday that each of the buildings ran through their emergency procedures in the wake of the shooting tragedy in Newtown, Conn. Although such drills are regularly held throughout the year, he said district officials agreed to take the preventive measure following the event last week. He reported that the drills at all the schools were reviewed by members of the State Police, and board President Steve Sabo commended the staff for its handling of the reaction here in the aftermath of the tragedy. He told parents school shootings are “thankfully rare” and they should be assured that “your children are safe” at school.